KBIA Special Projects

Urgent for Care

Almost 80 rural hospitals have closed across the country since 2010. In 2013, the lone public hospital in Pemiscot County, Missouri was nearly one of them. An emergency loan, service cuts and some ingenuity kept it running for the time being. But it will take a herculean effort on the local, state and federal levels for this 18,000 person county to keep its access to health care close to home. Click here to read more and listen.

An Uncertain Road

A premature birth can cause weeks or even months of uncertainty in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), but for many families, especially those of the smallest preemies, the roller coaster of worry over their child’s health and development continues years after they are discharged from the hospital. Click here to read more and listen.

Putting Columbia's Payphone Mystery to Rest

A payphone in the middle of downtown Columbia always seems to be ringing late at night. Who's calling - and why? Click here to read more and listen.

Mizzou at a Crossroads

In August 2014, Ferguson, Missouri found itself at the center of a national debate about race, after white police officer Darren Wilson shot and killed African American teenager Michael Brown. Less than a year and half later, that focus shifted about two hours west. Once again, Missouri took center stage - this time at the state university's flagship campus. Click here to read more and listen.

Copyright 2017 KBIA and The University of Missouri. Development and Design by Nathan Lawrence.